"That camera... How is it doing that? Magic?"

America! Stop glaring at my friends! They've kindly volunteered to help us out, and I don't believe they appreciate your gawking!

Never mind your hallucinations England... what is that supposed to be?

Western food is confusing. Do you always serve this... thing... at Easter, aru?

Stop poking at it! It's perfectly delicious hot cross buns alright?

I don't think it's supposed to be that colour...

Like you would know, America!

... Canada...

Well I don't know about you, but they don't look hot...

Or crossed...

Or bun like at all, aru.

Oh shut it! I go to all the trouble making this party and look at the thanks I get!

Well I told everyone that I should host the party!

Oh shhh... I'm sure England's party will be ost magnificent!

What's that supposed to mean?

Excuse me, England-san... but your disagreement is being broadcast through the stream now. It seems you have not had the camera taken off you."

Wh-what? Oh, this is your fault France

Don't blame me England! It was Germany who took the vote for who had to host this party~

I still think you rigged that thing... but huh...

Hmmm... that reminds me. Where is Germany? And Italy for that matter.

"It is strange of Germany not to be punctual, aru."

"I'm sure they're fine! Probably on their way here now"

"I suppose..."
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