*boing* Христос Воскрес! I know you said that it wasn't necessary for anyone to bring food, but I felt bad that you were doing everything by yourself, so I brought some of my paska.

What? Oh... ah thank you but it wasn't necess-

Finally! Real food!

What do you mean by real food?! My food was perfectly-


No one's asking for your opinion!

Russia, your sister is a real hero! We would have starved without her... bread thingies.

*boing* It's called paska, dear.

Why are we having this party tonight? Big brother doesn't celebrate it until next week.

I don't mind. We always have the parties when the host celebrates it, da.

That's right, the Orthodox Easter isn't until next week.

Orthodox Easter? Isn't Easter just Easter? Why do you need to celebrate it a different day?

We use an older calendar to determine when we celebrate our Easter. There's thirteen days less in that calendar.

But how would you get a full year if you're missing thirteen days?

It's just for figuring out when to celebrate Easter. We use a modern day calendar for everything else.

So why can't you use a regular calendar for Easter if you use it for everything else?

Stop asking those stupid questions. It's just a tradition.

But I wanted to know why they did it. It sounds really confusing!
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