How could you let this happen at
your party?!

Hold on a minute, I didn't just
let anything happen! He damned well did it all himself!

You're putting the blame on someone who got kidnapped?! You should be out there looking for him! He's a guest in your home after all! If anything happens to him it'll be on your head!

I'm not so thick to fall for that! You clearly set this all up to make me look bad!

Why don't you just check backstage? If it's a joke he'd still be-

Excusez-moi?! I would never go to all that trouble over you!

That's it. You rigged the polls so that I would win, then staged this fake kidnapping with Prussia so that I would take all the blame!

Don't try to blame me just because you were so careless and irresponsible!

Or you could try ringing his cell phone. You might hear it if he's still close by and-

Careless and irresponsible!? I am
not careless and irresponsible!

I don't fucking care if it's a prank anymore. I'm going to find that stupid twat, find all the damn evidence here to prove that you were behind this whole flaming incident and...

Kick me out of your party and pretend I'll actually be offended?

No. I'll have you removed from the Security Council for this you sodding bastard!
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